
PREVIEW: F.C. København – Randers FC





F.C. København: Ingen

Randers FC: Ingen






Hvem får Danmarks sidste plads i europæisk fodbold til den kommende sæson? Det får vi besvaret, når F.C. København og Randers FC slutter sæsonen af med Europa Playoff-kampen i Parken fredag aften. F.C. København missede muligheden for at genvinde mesterskabet før sidste spillerunde, og derfor skulle den vigtige tredjeplads sikres i sidste spillerunde hjemme mod FC Nordsjælland. Kampen endte 1-1, og dermed får F.C. København billetten til Europa Playoff-kampen og chancen for at komme i Conference League og spille vigtige koefficientpoint ind på kontoen. 

Randers FC startede Kvalifikationsspillet på en 10. plads, og klubben skulle i første omgang spille sig væk fra nedrykningskampen. Det klarede klubben hurtigt med tre sejre på stribe, og så kunne klubben fokusere på at blive nummer syv i ligaen, så de fik muligheden for at komme ud i Europa til efteråret. I sidste spillerunde kæmpede tre klubber om at komme i Europa Playoff. Randers FC og Vejle Boldklub var i en direkte duel, imens Viborg FF mødte OB. Sidstnævnte vandt 2-1, og Randers FC vandt 1-0 på en selvmål stod det klart, at kronjyderne endte bedst af alle i Kvalifikationsspillet. 







F.C. København har været bedst historisk set mod Randers FC med 31 sejre og 12 nederlag. I klubbernes 10 seneste indbyrdes opgør er historien den samme med overvægt til københavnerne. Det skal dog nævnes, at Randers FC har været gode til at bide fra sig i Parken. Kronjyderne har vundet to af de seneste tre udekampe mod F.C. København, men sidste gang vandt hjemmeholdet sikkert. Klubberne har kun spillet én målløs kamp, så vi forventer, at klubberne finder til nettet på vej til Europa. 






F.C. København sluttede ikke så godt af, som de havde håbet på i Mesterskabsspillet med et point i deres tre sidste kampe. Det vigtigste for dem er, at målet om europæisk deltagelse stadig kan nås med et misset mesterskab. Københavnerne havde en periode med fire sejre i træk i Mesterskabsspillet, og der må være en stor tro på egne evner inden kampen mod Randers FC.











F.C. København og Randers FC er de to klubber, der har skabt flest store chancer i hele sæsonen. Københavnerne er kommet frem til 76 store muligheder som nummer ét på listen og 69 for kronjyderne på andenpladsen. De forsvarende mestre har også højest xG af alle og har skabt flest chancer. Randers FC har fjerdehøjest xG og er kommet frem til tredjeflest chancer af alle i 3F Superliga.





Orri Oskarsson er trådt ind som 9’er i Andreas Cornelius’ fravær, og han har arbejdet hårdt i sine kampe. Den 19 årige islænding er en glimrende presspiller og er god til at komme frem til chancer. Orri Oskarsson er stadig teenager, og han er inde i en rigtigt spændende udvikling. Han er delt topscorer for københavnernes i sæsonen med ni fuldtræffere, og fem af dem er kommet i de seks seneste kampe. Fredag aften jagter Orri Oskarsson mål igen, og det vil helt sikkert betyde meget for angriberen, hvis det er ham, der skyder F.C. København i kvalifikationen til Conference League.






Køb billet til opgøret i Parken her: F.C. København billet og sæsonkortsalg (






Vejle Boldklub mod FC Midtjylland i 3F Superliga runde 17 – optakt, odds og spilfiduser

Vejle Boldklub tager på mandag imod FC Midtjylland i 3F Superliga på Vejle Stadion. Som nummer 12 har Vejle Boldklub formået at skrabe 8 point sammen for 16 kampe. Med 34 point har FC Midtjylland for 16 opgør gjort sig fortjent til en plads som nummer 1 i 3F Superliga. Vejle Boldklub er forholdsvis gennemsnitlige, når det kommer til målscoringens kunst i øjeblikket. Hjemmeholdet præsterede beskedne 11 mål i deres foregående 10 opgør, et gennemsnit på 1.1 kasser pr. kamp. De lukkede samtidig 27 mål ind, eller 2.7 mål i gennemsnit. De holdt modstanderen fra scoring 1 gange undervejs. FC Midtjylland rejser til udekampen den kommende mandag med et acceptabelt snit på 1.7 mål for deres foregående 10 opgør. De scorede selv anstændige 17 mål, mens de indkasserede 12 mål i egen ende. Det er et snit på 1.2 scoringer imod pr. kamp. De formåede at holde buret rent 4 gange i denne halve snes kampe.

Vores tip

Nøgletal for Vejle Boldklub og FC Midtjylland.

  • Vejle Boldklub har indkasseret mål i seneste 22 af 24 kampe;
  • I 5 of 7 seneste Vejle Boldklub kampe var antal mål OVER 3.5;
  • I 6 of 8 seneste Vejle Boldklub kampe var antal mål OVER 2.5;
  • Vejle Boldklub har scoret i seneste 6 af 8 kampe.
  • FC Midtjylland har scoret i seneste 21 af 23 kampe;
  • I 6 of 8 seneste FC Midtjylland kampe var antal mål OVER 2.5;
  • I 6 seneste FC Midtjylland kampe i træk var antal mål OVER 2.5;
  • I 4 of 6 seneste FC Midtjylland kampe var antal mål OVER 3.5.

Form Vejle Boldklub møder FC Midtjylland

Vejle Boldklub drømmer om mere.

Vejle Boldklub har spillet til par på det seneste, for at stjæle et udtryk fra golfens verden. Eller sagt på en anden måde, så har de leveret resultater stort set som forudset af bookmakerne. Vejle Boldklub har været frem og tilbage i deres sidste tre kampe og desværre lidt mere tilbage end frem. Mod F.C. København tabte de 3-0, hvorefter de vandt 3-1 over SønderjyskE. De var tilbage i rendestenen med et 4-1 nederlag mod Randers FC.

FC Midtjylland håber på yderligere point til samlingen.

Resultaterne har været rimelige uden at være prangende for FC Midtjylland igennem de seneste ugers kampe. FC Midtjylland har været lidt blege i deres seneste tre kampe, der har kastet tre point af sig. Først fik de smæk med 3-0 af AGF, og ny skuffelse fulgte, da de tabte 1-2 mod Brøndby IF. De kom dog tilbage i sejrs-sporet med en 3-2 mod Braga i sidste runde.

Vejle Boldklub v FC Midtjylland Indbyrdes historik

FC Midtjylland vandt 4-1 på eget græs, da de to klubber sidste gang stod overfor hinanden på MCH Arena i august 2021 i 3F Superliga. Vejle Boldklub møder FC Midtjylland med en historik imellem klubberne, der siger 0-2-8 for deres seneste 10 kampe i 3F Superliga. I de foregående 10 kampe mellem Vejle Boldklub og FC Midtjylland bød 7 af dem på mere end to mål. Begge klubber scorede desuden mål i 6 af de 10 kampe.

Stillingen i 3F Superliga

Den nuværende stilling i 3F Superliga viser os, hvor Vejle Boldklub og FC Midtjylland befinder i tabellen i forhold til hinanden inden dette opgør. Der er helt sikkert lagt op til en spændende duel om de tre point i denne runde 17 den kommende mandag.

Formstærk måltyv




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With both teams placed mid-table Augsburg and Hoffenheim have a chance to gain some ground on their upcoming opponent in the 1. Bundesliga. Augsburg find themselves placed 13th in the table on 29 points from 26 matches. In 11th place Hoffenheim are 1 point ahead in the standings.

Hoffenheim are aiming to extend the lead on Augsburg in the 1. Bundesliga, when the pair go head-to-head on Saturday.

Stats and facts for Augsburg and Hoffenheim.

  • Augsburg conceded in the last 12 of 14 matches;
  • Augsburg conceded the last 12 matches in a row at home;
  • Augsburg scored in the last 7 of 9 matches;
  • Total goals was UNDER 3.5 in Augsburg’s last 3 of 5 matches.
  • Hoffenheim did not win the last 4 matches in a row when playing away;
  • Total goals was OVER 2.5 in Hoffenheim’s last 8 of 10 matches;
  • Hoffenheim scored in the last 9 of 11 matches;
  • Hoffenheim conceded in the last 7 of 9 matches.


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Form Augsburg vs Hoffenheim

The form of both teams is one of the biggest things to consider before placing a bet on the upcoming game.

Augsburg hope to boost points tally.

Results have been on par, so to speak, for Augsburg in recent weeks as results have performed as expected. In their 3 latest outings Augsburg was defeated 2-1 by Hertha Berlin and went on to a 3-1 win against B. M’gladbach. Their latest game produced a 2-0 defeat against Freiburg.

Augsburg hoping to bounce back

Hoffenheim go into this encounter on the back of some poor performances in the league. In their 3 latest outings Hoffenheim won 2-1 against Wolfsburg and went on to a 2-0 defeat against VfB Stuttgart. Their latest game produced a 2-1 defeat against Mainz 05.

In a match between two sides performing almost identical in recent weeks, we still favor Hoffenheim to first make a breakthrough.

Augsburg v Hoffenheim Fixture History

The fixture history of the two teams delivers good insights that are worth considering before placing a bet on the upcoming game.

Goals on the menu:

The last time the two sides faced off against each other Hoffenheim came away as 3-1 winners at home at Prezero Arena back in December 2020 in the Germany – 1. Bundesliga Entertainment seem close to guaranteed with over 2.5 goals paying out as a winning bet 7 of the previous 10 times Augsburg faced off with Hoffenheim. Hoffenheim usually enjoy playing Augsburg, taking all 3 points against them 7 times in the last 10 meetings in the 1. Bundesliga.

Current standings

Augsburg are placed 13th with 29 points from 26 matches. Hoffenheim occupy a position as 11th in the league on a meagre 30 points.

Full Time Betting

Following odds are available for this match with the bookmakers: Augsburg to win pays out at 3.40, the best prize for a draw is 3.50, while an away win for Hoffenheim returns you odds 2.00. Augsburg won 2 of their last 10 home league games whereas Hoffenheim lost 5 of their last 10 away league games.


The chance of both teams to score (BTTS) in this match is as high as 67%, judging by the odds on offer with the bookmakers. This equals a decent payout of odds 1.50 if you wish to place a bet on BTTS. Accordingly betting on a “NO” in the BTTS market pays out at odds 2.40. The last 10 home league games for Augsburg averaged 2.8 goals per game with BTTS paying out 6 of these last 10 matches. In the previous 10 away league games for Hoffenheim the average total goals were 3.3 with 7 of these 10 matches seeing BTTS.

Over/Under Betting

The chance of this match going over 2.5 goals is as high as 64% judging by the odds on offer with the bookmakers. This amounts to a payout of odds 1.57 if you wish to place a bet on OVER 2.5 goals. Accordingly, betting on under 2.5 goals pays out at odds 2.25. Augsburg’s last 10 home league games saw an average of 2.8 goals per match. 5 of Augsburg’s last 10 home matches had over 2.5 goals. Hoffenheim’s last 10 away league games averaged 3.3 goals per game. 7 of Hoffenheim’s last 10 away matches went over 2.5 goals.

First Goal Scorer


AaB vs Randers FC match analysis and betting tip

Both AaB and Randers FC look comfortable in mid-table. However, both will be out to strenghten their position when facing each other on Sunday, 14th at 13:00 at Aalborg Portland Park. Placed 7th in the table AaB have amassed 20 points after 15 games. On 25 points Randers FC are ranked in 5th place with as many matches as the home side.

Randers FC have surprised everyone so far this season and a win against AaB will of course only strengthen their position.

Season facts for AaB and Randers FC.

  • AaB did not win the last 3 matches in a row.
  • Randers FC has won the last 4 matches in a row when playing away;
  • Randers FC has won in the last 6 of 7 matches;
  • Randers FC has won in the last 4 of 5 matches when playing away;
  • Total goals was OVER 2.5 in Randers FC’s last 10 of 12 matches;
  • Randers FC scored in the last 13 of 15 matches;
  • Randers FC scored the last 4 matches in a row when playing away.

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AaB hope to stop the rot.

The mood around AaB is pretty low right since a win has proven hard to come by in recent weeks. In their 3 latest outings AaB were trashed by AGF in a 3-0 defeat and went on to a 3-2 defeat against FC Copenhagen. Their latest game saw them take a 1-1 draw with Brondby IF.

An optimal season could perhaps see AaB qualifying for Europe, but so far they look well underway to a nice mid-table finish.

With only 1 win in the last 3 matches since November at the home stadium, AaB need to raise their level to take all 3 points in a tough upcoming match.

Randers FC hoping for more.

Results have been up to scratch for Randers FC in recent which have been neither great nor poor. In their 3 latest outings Randers FC claimed a 1-0 win against SoenderjyskE and went on to a 3-0 win against AC Horsens. Their latest game saw them take a 2-1 defeat against FC Midtjylland.

Entering the campaign without too many expectations Randers FC have performed really well.

On the back of an absolutely stunning Randers FC record of 6 wins in the last 6 games, Randers FC look a great bet for a win here.


AaB vs Randers FC h2h

The last time the pair played each other in the 3F Superleague AaB grabbed all 3 points in a 2-1 win. Entertainment is close to guaranteed with over 2.5 goals being scored the last 8 of 10 times AaB clashed with Randers FC. AaB go into their upcoming match against Randers FC with a 3-3-4 record in recent meetings in the 3F Superleague.

Current standings

AaB are 7th with 20 points after 15 matches. Randers FC ranks as a praiseworthy 5th in the table on 25 points.

Full Time Betting


Over/Under Betting

The bookies believe in a match with plenty of goals, and if you believe so too, your best price is odds 1.85 on over 2.5 goals. That equals a 54% chance of this match having at least 3 goals. Should you prefer a low scoring bet your best odds are 1.85 for under 2.5 goals.

First Goal Scorer

Topscorers in latest matches


FC Midtjylland (5 TOP4) – OB (10 MID). H2H 7-1-2. Round 5. Suggestion match-goals:1:over:2.5

FC Midtjylland for sure are favs playing at home stadium against OB. FC Midtjylland once again opens a campaign with medals as a target. 9th place last season for OB was OK, but they are aiming more.

FC Midtjylland played under par and had to settle for a draw in their match against AC Horsens and meanwhile OB win against Hilleroed.

NEW FORM FC Midtjylland

Entering the season as a favorite to take the title the opening weeks have left a lot to be desired.

It’s been a rollercoaster couple of weeks for Arsena with a fine win followed by a poor performance FC Midtjylland beat Randers FC 1-0, followed by win 4-1 against Sl. Prag in Champions League and draw 2-2 against AC Horsens in the last match.

It is a confident FC Midtjylland that enters their home game against OB with an extremely productive campaign behind them counting 3 unbeaten games in a row.

With a string of good FC Midtjyllands’ home performances, but they are still huge favorites to end the run come on Saturday.


Finishing the season around mid-table was what OB were aiming for but even that looks to be a tough task with a shaky opening to the season.

It has been up and down for OB going into this match with no clear indication of what to expect next. In last 3 matches OB lost 4-2 to AGF, followed by lost 0-1 to Vejle BK and latest 1-2 victory against Hilleroed.

In the last 6 matches, Issam Jebali has the best scoring record in OB with 4 goals.

It has been an appalling away form OB have produced this season, that it why it is a little surprising to see OB placed as the underdog.

FC Midtjylland vs OB h2h

The last time the pair played each other FC Midtjylland came away as 1-2 winners. In the last 10 meetings of these teams, an advantage was formed on the side of FC Midtjylland, and these matches were also remembered for a large number of goals. In the 10 meetings between the clubs, the FC Midtjylland have been utterly dominant with a 70% winning record against the OB.


FC Midtjylland Facts

  • FC Midtjylland unbeaten the last 3 matches in a row
  • FC Midtjylland has won in the last 4 of 5 matches at home
  • FC Midtjylland scoring the last 6 matches in a row at home
  • FC Midtjylland scoring in the last 10 of 12 matches
  • FC Midtjylland scoring UNDER 3.5 in the last 4 of 6 matches

OB Facts

  • OB did not win the last 3 matches in a row
  • OB did not win the last 4 matches in a row when playing away
  • OB conceding the last 6 matches in a row
  • OB scoring the last 5 matches in a row when playing away


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